
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Rotator cuff Pain- 4 home remedies you can apply

Your rotator cuff is made up of the muscles and tendons in your shoulder. These muscles and tendons connect your upper arm bone with your shoulder blade. They also help hold the ball of your upper arm bone firmly in your shoulder socket. The combination results in the greatest range of motion of any joint in your body.

A rotator cuff injury includes any type of irritation or damage to your rotator cuff muscles or tendons. Causes of a rotator cuff injury may include falling, lifting and repetitive arm activities — especially those done overhead, such as throwing a baseball or placing items on overhead shelves.

But the real tell tale sign of a rotator cuff injury is shoulder pain at night. As the day goes on, rotator cuff sufferers report an increase in muscle weakness and tenderness in the shoulder combined with a cracking or grinding noise when they raise their arm out to the side or in front of them due to their rotator cuff tear. A rotator cuff injury rarely comes on all of a sudden. It’s usually a result of performing some sort of repetitive actions on a daily or weekly basis that involves excessive shoulder rotation or lifting heavy objects overhead. 

Some of the more high risk activities and groups of people who may develop a rotator cuff injury include: weightlifters, tennis players, swimmers, skiers, any sport that involves throwing, rugby players, painters, postal workers, hairdressers, golfers, dentists, dental assistants, cashiers, construction workers, assembly line workers – just to name a few.

About half of the time, a rotator cuff injury can heal with self-care measures or exercise therapy.

Here are 4 effective home remedies for the relief of Rotator cuff pain

1. Rest your shoulder. Stop doing what caused the pain and try to avoid painful movements. Limit heavy lifting or overhead activity until your shoulder pain subsides.

2. Apply ice and heat. Putting ice on your shoulder helps reduce inflammation and pain. Use a cold pack, a bag of frozen vegetables or a towel filled with ice cubes for 15 to 20 minutes at a time. Do this every couple of hours the first day or two. After about two or three days, when the pain and inflammation have improved, hot packs or a heating pad may help relax tightened and sore muscles.

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3. Take pain relievers. Over-the-counter (OTC) nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others) or naproxen (Aleve), may help reduce pain. Acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) also may help relieve pain. Follow label directions and stop taking the drugs when the pain improves.

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4. Keep your muscles limber. Try to do some gentle range-of-motion exercises in a pain-free range to keep your shoulder muscles limber. Total inactivity can cause stiff joints. In addition, favoring your shoulder for a long period of time can lead to frozen shoulder, a condition in which your shoulder becomes so stiff you can barely move it. Once your injury heals and you have good range of motion in your shoulder, continue exercising. Daily shoulder stretches and a balanced shoulder-strengthening program can help prevent a recurrence of your injury.

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